For whatever destination…with elegance…

car and driver - The best service for firms and private individuals

Short, medium and long distance journeys for airports, ports and railways.

Business trips in Italy and abroad

Sightseeing tours:
es. excursion in lago Maggiore, lago di Lugano,
lago di Como
, city of Como, Milano,Torino,
Genova, Francia
e Costa Azzurra,Verona,
Venezia, Firenze, Roma, Napoli, ecc.ecc

Meetings and commercial fair services

Accompanying services for weddings and ceremonies

Delivery of urgent packages

F.B. SERVICE Arcisate - VARESE - Italy
Tel./Fax +39 0332 474126 Cell. +39 338 8524167 +39 338 7156858  
P.IVA 02461180123  C.F. BRGRLL57H64A371A